With Gift Cards set to be a hot ticket item for Christmas gifts, it’s important for South Australian Retailers to be aware that reforms under the Fair-Trading Act 1987, now require gift cards in SA to have a minimum three (3) year expiry date.

This now brings South Australia in line with New South Wales who implemented a mandatory minimum expiry period of 3 years back in March this year.

These changes will make gift cards more consumer friendly, allowing a longer period of time to redeem the full value of the gift card.  The state government said in a statement that the changes are intended to reduce situations where consumers feel pressured to make purchases simply due to a “looming expiry date”.

There has been a 6-month transitional period put in place, enabling retailers to sell any non-compliant vouchers.  There are however some restrictions around this that you will need to make yourself aware of.

For more information on how this reform effects your business, transition periods and sales to interstate visitors, head to one of the following websites for more information


